Camper Check-In and Check-Out
The check-in and check-out processes are vital steps to ensure that every camper has a fun and safe experience at camp. Here’s what you need to know to make check-out smooth and secure:
ID Check: At Cedar Springs, camper safety is our top priority. We require photo ID (e.g., a driver's license) at pickup every day—even from familiar faces. While we love building relationships with our camp families, this consistent ID check ensures that every camper goes home with an authorized person. Thank you for supporting this essential safety measure.
Check-Out Process:
When you arrive at our Lake Stevens campus or a bus site to pick up your camper:
- Provide the Camper’s Name: Our staff will ask for the name of the camper you are picking up.
- Show Photo ID: You will be asked to present a photo ID, which will be compared to the authorized pickup list in our system.
- Verification: If your ID matches a name on the list, our staff will bring the camper to you, and you’ll be on your way!
Important Note: If your name is not on the authorized pickup list, it must be added before we can release the camper to you. No exceptions will be made.
Authorized Pick Up List:
The authorized pickup list includes individuals you designate to pick up your camper. This can include parents, family members, friends, or other camp parents for carpooling purposes.
If the person attempting to pick up a camper is not on the list, we must verify authorization before releasing the camper. To add or update your authorized pickups:
- Online: Log into your camp account, scroll to the "Pickup Authorization" section at the bottom of the page, and update the list.
- Contact the Office: Call or email our main office using your registered contact information for verification.
Tip: Make changes as early as possible to avoid delays during pickup.
Once your identity has been confirmed and you are listed as authorized, we will release the camper into your care.
Check your authorized list:
Before camp starts, please review your family’s authorized pickup list to ensure it includes everyone who may pick up your camper. This can include parents, grandparents, babysitters, or neighbors.
To review and update the list:
- Log into your camp account and navigate to the “Pickup Authorization” section at the bottom of the page.
- Contact our office if you need assistance.
Parent Special Reminder:
The account holder is the only person automatically added to the authorized pickup list. A common situation arises when, for example, Mom registers the kids for camp and, as the account holder, is the only authorized adult. Later, Dad arrives to pick up the kids but isn’t listed as an authorized person. While there may be many reasons for this, for safety and security purposes, we do not automatically add both parents to the list. If you’d like both parents authorized, please ensure that both are added to the account’s authorized list.
Early Pick Up
If you need to pick up your camper early, please note the following:
- Location: All early pickups occur at the Lake Stevens campus.
- Notification: Contact our office by phone (425-334-6215) or email ( with your camper’s name, along with the day and time you plan to pick them up.
- Timing: The latest an early pickup can be scheduled is 3:00 PM.
On the designated day, your camper will be ready for early pickup at the camp concierge tent in the main parking lot.
More Questions?
As always, if you have questions, you can call us at 425-334-6215, email us at, or connect with us online at